Book Review Of Linda Hill’s ‘The Magician’s Curse’ : by Ivy Logan

We cannot choose who we love… So what happens if the one we love is bound by an ancient curse? Do we stay and enjoy the delicious torment or do we walk away to a life free of risks but also devoid of love?
magicians curseThis story by Linda Hill is about a Magician. But do not cast that net of suspicion the wrong way yet. For it is The Great Dagmaru, the magician himself, despite all his magic who is powerless before an ancient curse. But is the magician as blameless as you would like him to be?
In this day and age dominated by shape shifters, vampires, and werewolves the very premise of this book makes it a rare find.
If the character of the Magician seems too perfect, too flawless making you withhold your attachment there is someone just for you dear reader- someone who might pull on your heart strings and her name is Herman (yes she is a girl saddled with an obnoxious male name but she makes it her own, she does.) She is a young, not quite eighteen with hope in her heart, determined to make a place for herself and her kid brother in this world.
The relationship between Herman and her Magician becomes the focal point of the book- A guy, so smooth with inordinate wealth at his disposal and a young girl with stars in her eyes, a la Rebecca.
There is something jarring in this picture-perfect romance as Herman eventually learns (and we do too) emphasizing one thing above all else… we cannot choose who we love.
Read ‘The Magician’s Curse’ to understand how one young girl deals with the challenge of loving someone who is her’s but not quite, shrouded that he is by an aura of a curse and all that it asks of him.


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